3 Simple Letters


I got a little annoyed on the bus home last night, so wrote some letters… I wonder if I should send them?

Dear Oxford Tube,

Please stop claiming all of your buses have WiFi when quite clearly they don’t. If it doesn’t work it doesn’t count!


Dear Oxford Tube,

Please stop claiming all of your buses have power sockets when quite clearly they don’t. If they don’t work it doesn’t count!


Dear ASA,

Please see the attached 2 letters to Oxford Tube, detailing inadequacies in their service advertisement.


Disclaimer, this was posted from an Oxford Tube bus who’s WiFi worked for about 30 seconds at a time.



  1. Tommy  •  Dec 1, 2009 @8:52 am

    Mine works all the way, both ways, on the Espress (#buschoiceFAIL)

  2. Colin  •  Dec 1, 2009 @11:59 am

    Hi Tommy,

    What is the Espress? Never heard of it… (#buschoiceFAIL / #englishFAIL)

    Where do you have to get that from? A coffee shop?

  3. Tommy  •  Dec 1, 2009 @12:21 pm

    Erm….Mr Mercer. FYI, it is *you* that have suffered the #English/readingFAIL. http://www.oxfordbus.co.uk/main.php?page_id=27

    I thank you

  4. Colin  •  Dec 1, 2009 @1:32 pm

    How n00b of me, i have always called it the eXpress. Proving bad marketing on Oxford Bus’s pov… Buck passed!

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