Browsing the archives for the car tag.

Oxford Crime Map


Check this little badger out, a map of Oxford with hotzones for where the crime is. The map covers Oxford as a sample because it is typical British city which has a demographic and levels of crime representative of the national average. The crime marked on the map is from November 07 – November 08.

You can see where I live… it’s under the big dark red patch on car crime, I aint surprised, remember this?

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My Car Got Broken Into…


… Yes the perfect start to any Monday morning… walking out to the car and finding this;

Head instantly drops and you know it’s going to be one of those days… window smashed, doors unlocked, however no sign of entry and nothing of value in there to pinch. The steering column in tack and there is no sign of tampering on the key barrel.

So basically either someone did this for “fun” and legged it, or bottled it, or got interrupted. Either way means I now have to foot the repair bill and not have a car for a number of days until its fixed. Luckily it will be locked in a garage now until then…

Couple more pictures on my flickr stream here.


Whilst Driving Safely Down The Road


Whilst minding my own business driving down the A34 I came across something very strange… I of course couldn’t take a picture due to driving, but if you put one on top of the other you will be pretty much there.

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Ice On The Car


Slightly unauthodox ice though…

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